Law and Legal Research Starter

To look up U.S. Federal & State Cases, look up under the U.S. Legal tab on the left side of the page.

Cases in the categories of: Abortion & Birth Control, Capital Punishment, Civil Commitment, Civil Rights-Affirmative Action, Civil Rights-Homosexuality, Civil Rights-Racial Discrimination, Civil Rights-School Desegregation, Civil Rights-School Desegregation, Elections, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech and of the Press, International Law, Mental Competency, Right to Attorney, Right to Bear Arms, Right to Die, Separation of Powers, Terrorism, and Unreasonable Search and Seizure.

To look up Supreme Court Briefs (1936-current), look under the U.S. Legal tab on the left side of the page.

Under U.S. Legal
Annotated U.S. Code (USCS) (Browse)
Source Information Constitution of the United States (Browse)
Source Information Public Laws
Source Information CFR - Code of Federal Regulations (Browse)
Source Information Federal Register

Source Information Statutory Code (Browse)
Source Information Administrative Code (Browse)
Source Information Constitution (Browse)

American Jurisprudence 2d, Ballentine's Law Dictionary, Bieber's Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations, A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, Modern Dictionary for the Legal Profession, Martindale-Hubbell® Legal Professionals Listings, Martindale-Hubbell® Law School Directory

LexisNexis Academic Tutorials

"This widget allows you to find a legal case by citation number or party name."

"The Shepard's Citations Service provides a comprehensive case citation and treatment history to verify the validity of case law, statutes, agency opinions, and other legal documents. Only case law is covered in LexisNexis Academic.

Shepardizing™ is the practice of using the Shepard's Citations Service to validate a citation.

When you Shepardize® a case, LexisNexis provides a report showing every opinion where that case has been referenced, all treatments of the case, and, most importantly, whether or not the case is "good law." If the case has been overruled, it is considered "bad law" and may no longer be cited as a legal precedent."

"If this is your first time using LexisNexis Academic, this article should help you quickly learn the basics. Click on the highlighted articles that will take you to other articles in the wiki if you need more information."
Contents: 1 Navigating to LexisNexis Academic 2 Easy Search Form for Most Searches 3 Power Search Form for Advanced Searching 4 Specialized Forms for Content-Specific Searching 5 Sources 6 Further Information

Administrative Law, Affirmative Action, American Legal Systems: A Resource and Reference Guide,
Blogs, Boolean Searching, Business, Citing References, Civil Rights Movement, Common Legal Research Assignments, Consumer Law, Critical Reviews, Economic Crisis 2008 and 2009, Education Law, Election 2008, Electronic Discovery, English or Writing 101, Entertainment Law, Environmental Science, Health Care, Human Resources Law, Immigration, Intellectual Property Law, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, Law School 101: Case Citations, Legal Citation Formats, Legal Research, Literature, Permalink Icon, Personal Injury Law, Real Estate Law, Searching Foreign Language Sources, SEC Filings, Terrorism, User-Created Guides