Looking for an AQL Sampling Calculator in Excel?

QI Macros has ready made AQL sampling calculators and tables

AQL Table using QI Macros

  1. Click on QI Macros menu > Find QI Macros Tools > AQL
  2. QI Macros will pull up the AQL Template for you.
  3. Adjust Batch Size, AQL and Inspection Level to view desired accept/reject.

Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is the maximum percent defective (or maximum number of defects per 100 units) that can be considered acceptable. AQL is measured in defects per 100 units.

AQL is used to reduce inspection costs. You only need a small sample to accept or reject a batch of product.

QI Macros AQL tables and calculators take the guesswork out of determining your sample size.

Acceptable Quality Level - Single Sampling


Acceptable Quality Level - Zero Defect Sampling

AQL Zero-based Acceptance Sampling usine QI Macros

To calculate sample size using AQL, you need to know:

  1. Lot or Batch Size of incoming or outgoing product
  2. Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
    Input value of 1 means 1% or 1 defect per 100 units.
  3. Inspection Level (I, II, III - usually level II)

qimacros calculations save time

How to Use QI Macros AQL Single Sampling Calculator

The QI Macros AQL calculator has drop down menus for each variable. Just click on each cell in column B to access the menus.

    Step 1 - Select the lot or batch size by clicking on cell B3 and then the pull-down menu.


Step 2 - Set the AQL Level (typically 1, but can vary) by clicking on cell B4 and then the pull-down menu.

set aql level

Step 3 - Set the Inspection Level (typically II) in cell B5.


NOTE: ALWAYS use the click-able, drop-down menus when entering your Lot, AQL, and Inspection Level.

In this example, the template will look up the Sample Size (5) and accept/reject levels (0/1) from the AQL Table. The lot size and inspection level give the letter code "C" which gives a sample size of 5 and accept/reject of 0/1. This means take five samples and if one is defective, reject the lot otherwise accept the lot.

AQL Table Lookup

Our reference for the AQL Acceptance Table (Single Sampling) is: MIL-STD-105E.

QI Macros AQL Zero Defect Sampling Calculator

Zero-Based Acceptance Sampling requires that you accept on zero; reject on 1.

There is no other option. It's a different table than the standard AQL Single Sampling table, which might tell you, in some cases, to accept on 2 and reject on 3 defects.

    Step 1 - Select the lot or batch size by clicking on the pull-down menu in B3.

AQL Zero-based Acceptance Sampling usine QI Macros

  • Step 2 - Set the AQL Level (typically 1, but can vary) by clicking on the pull-down menu in B4.
  • The template will then look up the Sample Size (13), using the AQL level, based on: MIL-STD-1916.

    AQL Zero-based Acceptance sampling <a href=with QI Macros" width="751" height="155" />

    Note: Zero-based acceptance sampling gives a higher sample size than the AQL Table, but may require fewer samples than AQL sampling.

    aql single sample example

    aql zero based example

    Where to Find QI Macros AQL Sampling Tables and Calculators

    QI Macros adds a new tab to Excel's menu. To access the AQL tools, click on QI Macros > Calculators > Sample Size Calculator.