What Is a CRA Business Number (BN) and Who Needs One?

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You’re finally self-employed and in control of your own schedule and income— congratulations! Or perhaps you’ve decided to start a side gig to pull in some extra cash. Great news! Amid all this excitement, you may have heard about something called a business number (BN)—but maybe you’re not exactly sure what it is?

Wonder no more. Here’s everything you need to know about registering for a BN as a self-employed person or small-business owner.

Key Takeaways
  1. A CRA business number (BN) is a unique identifier for every business, comprised of 9 digits that is needed to complete your tax return.
  2. A sole proprietor may not be required to get a business number if they do not need program accounts, such as payroll or GST/HST.
  3. A GST/HST number is a specific code that is added to the end of the unique business number.

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What is a business number?

A business number, or BN, is a 9-digit number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to businesses and self-employed persons . The CRA uses the BN as a standard identifier for your business. Each BN is unique to a business or legal entity.

Do I need a business number if I’m a sole proprietor?

You need a business number if you’re a sole proprietor or if you’re in a partnership and require what the CRA refers to as “ program accounts .” Program accounts include GST/HST, payroll, and import/export accounts.

The most common program accounts are:

Registering for a CRA program account will get you a business number if you don’t already have one. If you do have one, the CRA program account will be added to your business number. Your business will only ever have 1 business number, and the program code or reference number that’s added to the end indicates which type of account your company has.

You’ll need a BN if your business is incorporated . And you might also need a business number to interact with other federal, provincial, and municipal governments in Canada.

How do I register for a business number?

You can register directly with the CRA using Business Registration Online (BRO).

Alternatively, you will get a BN automatically if you do any of the following: