Wholesale DID s

Voxbeam Telecommunications provides DIDs in over 50 countries around the world at prices starting as low as $0.25 per number.

Country overview

Please click the country below to view the specific city coverage, pricing, and verification required.

DID packages

You have the option to select one of the DID packages below or a combination of both:

DID only

Each DID supports 2 concurrent calls

Trunk is limited to 10,000 incoming minutes *

Channels cannot be shared between DIDs

Ideal for customers who do not expect their DIDs to require more than 2 incoming calls at a time.

*Additional minutes with this option will be billed at 1 cent per minute.

DID with capacity

Build your trunk with the number of channels you require

Unlimited incoming minutes

Ability to share channels

Ideal for calling card providers and businesses that require more than two concurrent calls or unlimited minutes.

Please view our Terms and Conditions for any applicable fees.

Benefits of
Voxbeam DIDs

*Contact dids@voxbeam.com for more information about porting and revenue sharing options

our rates

Download our DID rate sheet & order form DID Rates & Order Form

asked questions

Got a question about calls, billing, set up or anything else to do with Voxbeam?

Contact a Voxbeam representative: +1-716-869-2326 Support line open 3am - 6pm EST

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